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Setup feeThis non-refundable fee enables us to prepare your alarm and collate all of your medical and emergency contact details on our systems.






Pay today: £69.00

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User details

We need to ask you a few questions so that we can provide the best service possible. For example, if the alarm is pressed and help is needed, we need to know where to send the emergency services.

We'll ask you for the user's emergency contact details once payment has been taken.

Tell us about the person who will be using the alarm.

Start typing your address below...

You can also type your postcode here.

Billing details

Please let us know who is placing this order. If the purchaser is the same person who will be using the alarm, just choose their name below. Otherwise, choose "Someone else".

Delivery details

VAT exemption 20% saving

Review order and pay

We'll ask you for the user's emergency contact details once payment has been taken.

Have a question? We're here to help.

Call us on 0800 180 85 40

Frequently asked questions

Here are some of the most common questions people ask at the checkout.

This non-refundable fee enables us to prepare your alarm and collate all of your medical and emergency contact details on our systems.

You rent the equipment from us for the duration of your service. Your equipment must be returned to us at the end of your service agreement.

Legacy customers of our Buddi plan can keep their equipment when their service ends.

If you have a disability or a long-term medical illness, HMRC allows you to order a careline alarm from Telecare24 without paying VAT. We call this VAT exemption. (Please note, VAT applies to key safes, regardless of your VAT exemption status.)

To avoid paying VAT when you order from us, simply choose "I am exempt from paying VAT" at the checkout, and we'll take care of the rest.

Learn more about VAT exemption and how you can take advantage of this 20% saving.

All plans are subject to a 12-month contract. The contract length for all of our service plans is a minimum term of 12 months.

The minimum term applies whether you select the monthly or annual payment option (on the pendant and fall plans) and always on the GO! plan. This period starts from the date we dispatch your equipment.


Why do I have to choose?

Traditional phone lines are going away soon.

What’s happening?
By 2025, all telephone communication in the UK will be powered by a fully digital network. To achieve this, Openreach is gradually disconnecting analogue telephone lines. It is therefore vital to choose the right careline plan now.

When should I upgrade to a digital careline plan?
It is crucial to select one of our digital plans if your traditional phone line has already been disconnected and your provider has already switched you to a digital service, if you have broadband in your home, or if you don’t have a phone line at all.

If you still have an analogue telephone line
Those who still have a traditional phone line at home can still choose our analogue pendant alarm plan. Keep in mind, however, that Openreach will eventually disconnect your line and your personal alarm will stop working as a result. To keep your careline service functional, you must upgrade to a digital plan.

Now is the time to upgrade to digital
We recommend choosing one of our digital plans to ensure that your personal alarm works seamlessly no matter what type of phone line you have. Our careline service ensures peace of mind with future-proof digital equipment.

You can order a digital personal alarm online, or if you have any questions please give us a call on 0800 180 85 40.