Updated 28/11/2023  •  Written By Stewart Smith

New Telecare24 Careline Website

Joseph E Stiglitz, a leading US economist once said that “development is about transforming the lives of people.” That sentiment is something we feel very strongly about at Telecare24 and we are always trying improve our products and services to help transform people’s lives.

To that end we have spent many months developing our new website to help our customers understand how telecare can improve their wellbeing. Thousands of people rely on our service every day, but our aim is to make telecare as accessible as possible for everyone.
So we have introduced some really exciting enhancements to our service, re-enforcing our position as the UK’s leading Careline Provider.

Reduced Prices

We recently conducted an overview of our price plans to ensure our customers receive the very best service at an affordable cost. Our most popular plan is our Annual package, so to make it even more accessible we have reduced the cost of the plan in the first year, saving you the equivalent of 3 months  service compared to our monthly plan.

Falls Package

Falling over represents the most common reason for A&E admissions for people over 65. In fact, 1 in 3 people in this age group fall over each year, with the odds dramatically increasing when you are over 80. We understand that every minute counts when providing assistance to people who have fallen, each minute a person is left on their floor significantly increases the length of time spent in hospital.

For this reason, we have introduced our new Fall Sensor plan. The standard pendant is replaced by a wrist worn fall detector. So if you experience a fall the sensor will automatically activate the personal alarm and our care team will take of you, even if you are unable to converse.

Dr Hilary Jones

We are very proud to continue our close working relationship with Dr Hilary Jones from Good Morning Britain. His input into how we care for our customers is invaluable. We are also proud to see that he feels so confident in our levels of excellence that he has asked us to install a personal alarm for his mum.

We firmly believe that these enhancements combined with no equipment fees, no paperwork and free delivery make Telecare24 the leading careline service in the UK.  We look forward to continually providing a service that transforms the lives of many, helping families across the UK stay independent at home for longer and improving their sense of wellbeing.

About The Author

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Stewart Smith

Stewart has been involved with the telecare industry for over twenty years, developing lifeline solutions that grant peace of mind to elderly and vulnerable people and their loved ones. During this... Read More

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