I can stay here, my daughters know I'm safe as Telecare24 is always 'on hand'
From Lyn, a Fall Alarm customer
I was 85, and my daughters thought it was time for me to acknowledge that I might need help, so they wanted me to move nearer to them. That would mean leaving my lovely old cottage that had been my home for 25 years and my acre of garden and orchard, which is my passion.
Telecare24 was a wonderful alternative. I can stay here, and they know I’m safe as Telecare24 is always ‘on hand’, just a click away.
I have had the help I needed within minutes.
There have been occasions when that has happened, and my carer neighbour has been contacted. I have had the help I needed within minutes. So, I’m still here, aged 87 and very grateful to Telecare and my daughters for arranging it.
The voice at the end of the telephone has always been kind, helpful and willing to talk, even in the middle of the night. Thank you very much.